Ethics in Music and Gaming

It’s rare that we get to talk about ethics in music and gaming for more than 30 seconds at the end of a conversation. Massive shout out to UNWRAP festival for inviting our team to speak for a full 30 minutes on the topic with panel moderator Allie Weis, Ethics Coordinator in International Game Development at Howest Digital Arts & Entertainment (DAE), and fellow panelist Tara Voelker, Senior Xbox Game Studios Accessibility Lead & GAConf Co-Director.

The following is a list of questions prepared by Allie for our talk, which we’d like to share for your consideration so we can get this bit right. Thank you Allie!

You can also check out Ristband’s full Report on Diversity in the Metaverse here.

Topic 1: The Basics, Metaverse & Accessibility

  1. Where do themes of “ethics” (accessibility, inclusive design, representation…) find themselves in the production/development process? Are these topics inherent to the process, or do you find that – too often – they are seen as an afterthought?

  2. Media like TV or film have official standards and guidelines for accessibility, While games (and music?) are kind of lagging behind in this regard. What kind of work has been done/is being done to set up a unified standard/set of guidelines for accessibility in games & music?

  3. Where is the music industry – and game industry, comparatively – at the moment re: the discussion/adoption of metaverse/metaverse events? How can industry professionals be convinced of the benefits of metaverse technology?

    • When we talk about accessibility of the metaverse – what does “accessibility” mean, in this case? Does it refer moreso to ability status or financial status? Or both?

    • Are there more early adopters from the game community, given their innate proclivity for the digital space?

      4. For virtual concerts or streaming events, for example – how might deaf/hard-of-hearing participants have access to an equitable experience? (I see a focus on physical impairment, but am wondering more about sensory impairment & adaptability here)

  • Importance of UX/UI?

Topic 2: Self & Other

      5. Question of privilege – leisure activities/items & access to technology as a privilege – how do you respond to this? 

      6. Self exploration & identity in both music & games, also taking into account metaverse technology. How might this take shape within both domains?

      7. Empathy towards others – whether as a fellow concert-goer, or as a gameplayer in a multiplayer game – how does this develop and what (lasting) impact does it have on the individual?

      8. Indie artists (music) vs. indie game devs (games) – how has the streaming economy impacted more ‘personal’ interaction with consumers, as well as impacted profit for the creator?

**Closing question: What advice do you have for future industry professionals (or current industry members/educators) hoping to integrate ethically-important themes within – or have them inherently within – their work? 

Let us know your thoughts. Drop into our Discord community to #sayhello and visit our #diversity channel. See you there!


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