Docu-series: Art & culture in the metaverse


We're often approached by brands, labels and artists who want to be a part of Ristband, or understand what’s happening in the metaverse, and what it will lead to- so we made a short docu-talk, commissioned by Meta Festival, to explain it all.

In just a few minutes we cover:

🚀The internet- predictions from the 90s, optimism and fears
💪🏼The metaverse- clues about what will happen next based on the evolution of the early internet
❤️What is the metaverse
🎮The building blocks of the metaverse
🎸The shift in popular culture fueling the metaverse
🚀How the metaverse will change our lives
💪🏼Ristband- a metaverse platform for creators, consumers, and gamers to build, experiment and learn in a huge interactive city
❤️What we've learned from creating Ristband
🎸The problems with the current metaverse ecosystem
🚀Our approach to solutions
🎮Our vision for the future
❤️How gaming, music, art and culture are defining what works and what doesn't in this new era
💪🏼The digital world as an extension of reality
❤️Shifts in the way people are consuming and creating content
🎸Insights from our early events
🎮Creating content for the metaverse (featuring HaZ Dulull and his upcoming film Rift)
🎸Digital natives and what a presence in the metaverse means for brands
💪🏼What the Unreal Engine means for interoperability
🚀 New audience behaviors in virtual worlds


Ethics in Music and Gaming


view our AlpHA Demo at NFT Paris